
Leeds Black Elders


Discover our range of projects and initiatives.



Our focus is on supporting the needs of our members, and we have a number of exciting projects currently underway that engage seniors within Chapeltown and the surrounding areas.

These initiatives are designed to support and enhance the lives of elderly individuals in a variety of ways. These include health and wellness programs, social engagement opportunities, and assistance with day-to-day tasks.

Through these projects, we provide our members with the resources and support they need to lead fulfilling lives and maintain their independence for as long as possible.



Our Advocacy service caters to individuals with physical or mental health issues, low confidence, or those who need assistance in dealing with a situation. We provide personalised support to each member. Although primarily for African-Caribbean elders, this service is available to anyone who needs it.

Our Advocates offer a wide range of support, including making calls, attending appointments, and liaising with legal and professional bodies on behalf of the service-user.

They empower our elders to make their own choices and ensure their voice is heard, leading to increased confidence and control over their situation. This reduces the risk of physical and mental illness and provides peace of mind to the service-user, family, and friends.


Community Garden

Our allotment project aims to provide a space where elderly members can come together to cultivate fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The aim of the project is to help improve the physical and mental wellbeing of our members, foster social connections, and promote healthy eating habits.

Through this project, our senior members will have the opportunity to engage in physical activity that is essential for maintaining their health and wellbeing.

Gardening is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also provides a chance for members to get outdoors, breathe fresh air, and connect with nature.



The Befriending Scheme pairs volunteers with isolated individuals, providing them with companionship and opportunities to socialise. Befrienders can choose their own availability and are matched with a suitable service user.

The scheme has successfully operated for several years, with the aim of eliminating isolation among service-users. Befrienders may be placed in hospitals, care/nursing homes, clients’ homes, or day centers, engaging in activities such as reading, socialising, and light shopping.


Men's Group

Since its inception in 2019, the Men’s Group offered by our charity has provided an array of enjoyable activities for its attendees, including swimming, bowling, cooking, baking, and discussion groups.

The group has also visited the Leeds Playhouse and played darts and dominoes at a local public house. This program has proven beneficial to black elderly individuals, providing opportunities for socialization and participation in fun, engaging activities.


Activity Club

Our club offers a variety of social and recreational activities, including exercise classes, bingo, dominoes, and guest speakers, for elderly individuals who wish to socialise in a relaxed setting.

While the beneficiaries are predominantly African-Caribbean, the club is open to all. Attending the club can alleviate social isolation and boredom, providing mental and physical stimulation through engaging activities. The club faciliates community involvement and help our members to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.


IT Class

With a focus on bridging the digital divide, this class offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where seniors can learn and explore various aspects of

information technology. 

Through hands-on training sessions and interactive workshops, participants gain valuable knowledge about using computers, navigating the internet, utilising social media platforms, and accessing online resources.

By equipping seniors with essential IT skills, our IT class aims to promote connectivity, encourage social engagement, and empower elderly individuals to fully participate in the digital age.




Our Advocacy service caters to individuals with physical or mental health issues, low confidence, or those who need assistance in dealing with a situation. We provide personalised support to each member. Although primarily for African-Caribbean elders, this service is available to anyone who needs it.

Our Advocates offer a wide range of support, including making calls, attending appointments, and liaising with legal and professional bodies on behalf 
of the service-user.

They empower our elders to make their own choices and ensure their voice is heard, leading to increased confidence and control over their situation. This reduces the risk of physical and mental illness and provides peace of mind to the service-user, family, and friends.


Community Garden

Our allotment project aims to provide a space where elderly members can come together to cultivate fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The aim of the project is to help improve the physical and mental wellbeing of our members, foster social connections, and promote healthy eating habits.

Through this project, our senior members will have the opportunity to engage in physical activity that is essential for maintaining their health and wellbeing.

Gardening is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also provides a chance for members to get outdoors, breathe fresh air, and connect with nature.



The Befriending Scheme pairs volunteers with isolated individuals, providing them with companionship and opportunities to socialise. Befrienders can choose their own availability and are matched with a suitable service user.

The scheme has successfully operated for several years, with the aim of eliminating isolation among service-users. Befrienders may be placed in hospitals, care/nursing homes, clients’ homes, or day centers, engaging in activities such as reading, socialising, and light shopping.


Men's Group

Since its inception in 2019, the Men’s Group offered by our charity has provided an array of enjoyable activities for its attendees, including swimming, bowling, cooking, baking, and discussion groups.

The group has also visited the Leeds Playhouse and played darts and dominoes at a local public house. This program has proven beneficial to black elderly individuals, providing opportunities for socialization and participation in fun, engaging activities.


Activity Club

Our club offers a variety of social and recreational activities, including exercise classes, bingo, dominoes, and guest speakers, for elderly individuals who wish to socialise in a relaxed setting.

While the beneficiaries are predominantly African-Caribbean, the club is open to all.  Attending the club can alleviate social isolation and boredom, providing mental and physical stimulation through engaging activities.

The club faciliates community involvement and help our members to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.


IT Class

With a focus on bridging the digital divide, this class offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where seniors can learn and explore various aspects of information technology. 


Through hands-on training sessions and interactive workshops, participants gain valuable knowledge about using computers, navigating the internet, utilising social media platforms, and accessing online resources.


By equipping seniors with essential IT skills, our IT class aims to promote connectivity, encourage social engagement, and empower elderly individuals to fully participate in the digital age.


Get Involved

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, or have more questions, please contact us at: info@lbea.co.uk | 0113 237 4332.

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