
Leeds Black Elders

About us

For over 30 years, we've been supporting and empowering Elders in Leeds.

About us

Supporting Elders in Leeds Since 1991

At Leeds Black Elders, we firmly believe in the power of support, encouragement, and assistance in enabling our members to lead happier, more fulfilling, and independent lives.

About us

Supporting Elders in Leeds Since 1991

At Leeds Black Elders, we firmly believe in the power of support, encouragement, and assistance in enabling our members to lead happier, more fulfilling, and independent lives.

About us

Our Story

The Leeds Black Elders Association was founded in 1991 by four members of the Chapeltown community, who recognised the lack of support for Black and Ethnic Minorities in the area.

Their mission was to create a dynamic organisation that not only addressed the needs of Black Elders, but also supported all members of the community, regardless of race or creed.

Over the years our charity has grown from strength to strength, providing a wide range of services that help members to continue to live independently and improve their quality of life.

About us

Our Story

The Leeds Black Elders Association was founded in 1991 by four members of the Chapeltown community, who recognised the lack of support for Black and Ethnic Minorities in the area.

Their mission was to create a dynamic organisation that not only addressed the needs of Black Elders, but also supported all members of the community, regardless of race or creed.

Over the years our charity has grown from strength to strength, providing a wide range of services that help members to continue to live independently and improve their quality of life.

Our Mission

The goal of the Leeds Elders Association is to provide innovative and appropriate services to meet the needs of elders, with a particular focus on those from diverse backgrounds.

We also act as advocates to empower and represent their interests, with the goal of breaking down barriers to equal opportunities and promoting inclusivity.

It takes a village

We could not do our work without the support of our amazing community members and organisations!

It takes a village

We could not do our work without the support of our amazing community members and organisations!

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